The world mainly uses the following two unit systems.
- Metric (kg, m)
- Imperial (lbs, ft)
Depending on where in the world you are located, one or the other system is used by exercise equipment manufacturers. But sometimes gyms in Europe buy equipment from the US or vice versa. Then you may have mixed devices with different units and have to deal with them.
GymYou has a simple solution for handling units.
1. Standard Units #
When you launch the app for the first time, you are asked to decide either for one or the other system but you can always change it later in the settings. GymYou uses this global system by default, e.g. when creating new exercises and for your body measurements.

1.1 Changing the global unit system
- Got to the settings tab.
- Tap on ‘Standard Units’
- Select the system you want to use.
1.2 Short tons and long tons
If you select the Imperial system, you are also asked to select if you want to use short tons or long tons.
This does only effect the usage inside the imperial system. If you have selected the metric system, the metric ton will be used no matter if you selected short or long tons.

2. Units per Exercise #
In order to address the problem with mixed equipment, you can also define the units separately for each exercise. For example, if your gym has in general metric equipment, but here is one machine that uses the imperial system, you can specify the units for that specific exercise.

2.1 Changing the units per Exercise
- Select the Exercise you want to edit.
- Select ‘Edit Exercise’ or tap the pencil icon.
- Scroll to the bottom.
- Tap ‘Weight unit’ or ‘Distance unit’*
- Select the preferred unit.
*Depending on which values are enabled for your exercise, you may find only one or the other option.
2.2 Changing the units for all Exercises
If you want to change the unit system for all exercises you can do so in the settings of the standard units.
- Got to the settings tab.
- Tap on ‘Standard Units’
- Select the system you want to use.
- Tap ‘Apply to all Exercises’
GymYou will always use the equivalent of the other system e.g. kg -> lbs and vice versa.

3. Unit Conversion #
GymYou always calculates the correct value in your chosen unit. So you can switch back and forth between the units as you wish and your values will always remain correct.
So you just have to make sure that your exercise in GymYou represents the unit that your actual equipment.