

Deine Körperwerte erfassen

Deine Körperwerte erfassen

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In GymYou you can track various body measurements in order to see your development over time.
To create a new entry with body measurements, do the following:

  1. Tap the plus icon.
  2. Select the relevant date.
  3. Enter the data in the appropriate fields.
  4. Tap ‘save’.

The most recent data is always displayed in the fields. So if you have already made one or more entries in the past, the most recent data for each field will be displayed in gray.
The new data you are about to enter will be displayed in red.

You do not have to fill out all fields. Fields that are not filled out simply remain empty in your overview at the end or show the most recently available data.

In addition to the body measurements, you can also take pictures to visually record your development. Read the article Bilder vom Fortschritt machen to learn how.

You can also Einen Messwerte-Eintrag bearbeiten afterwards.
