GymYou uses iCloud by default. If you have not disabled iCloud in your iPhone settings, GymYou stores a copy of your data in your personal iCloud. When you install GymYou on a new device connected to your iCloud account, GymYou automatically restores the current dataset.

The idea of an Android version is in the back of our minds, but it will require a lot of resources to implement. Right now, we’re focused on making GymYou the best gym app for all Apple devices. We can’t promise right now if there will eventually be an Android version, but time will tell.

Yes. The subscription is tied to your Apple ID and you can use it on all devices that use the same Apple ID.

When you see the purchase options in the app, there is a button in the top left corner that says “Restore”. When you click it, GymYou will check if there are any purchases for your Apple ID and restore them. Alternatively, you can also use the ‘Restore Purchases’ button in the settings.

For more details read the support article Restore your purchases on a new device.

The subscription runs directly through Apple. Although Apple’s servers are relatively fast, it can sometimes take a while for a change to your subscription to be properly reflected everywhere. Apple recommends that you cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before your billing period renews.

For more information, read also the support article how to Cancel your GymYou Pro subscription.


Your data will always be completely preserved. With GymYou Pro you have access to additional features, such as creating notes or viewing advanced statistics. If you decide to cancel GymYou Pro, you will no longer be able to see the advanced statistics, for example, but your data will be preserved. You can still read your notes, but you won’t be able to create new ones, etc.